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Agricultural Research Service United States Department of Agriculture
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Research Programs and Projects at this Location
ARS research is organized into National Programs. Within each National Program are research projects. Listed below are the National Programs and research projects currently conducted at this location.

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Agricultural System Competitiveness and Sustainability (NP #216)
Enhanced Midwestern Cropping Systems for Sustainability and Environmental Quality
Air Quality (NP #203)
Emission and Dispersion of Air Quality Constituents from Agricultural Systems
Assessment of the Emission and Dispersion of Gases and Particulates from Agricultural Operations
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Development of Instruments for Measurement of Particulates and Gases from Agricultural Operations
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Development of Farming Systems for Environmental Credits and Production Efficiency
Animal Health (NP #103)
Bovine Viral Disease Pathogenesis and Immunology
Characterization and Enhancement of Immune Responses of Calves
Countermeasures to Control and Support Eradication of Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus (Bvdv)
Countermeasures to Prevent and Control Brucellosis in Livestock and Wildlife Reservoirs
Countermeasures to Prevent and Control Respiratory Pathogens of Poultry
Countermeasures to Prevent and Control Tuberculosis in Cattle and Wildlife Reservoirs
Countermeasures to Prevent the Porcine Respiratory Disease Complex (Prdc)
Genomic and Immunological Analysis of Spirochete Diseases
Genomic and Immunological Characteristics of Johne's Disease
Identification of Factors Associated with Immune Suppression and Mastitis
Molecular, Nutrient, and Endocrine Basis of Metabolic Diseases That Affect the Reproductive Health of the Dairy Cow
Swine Viral Diseases Pathogenesis and Immunology
Transmission, Differentiation, and Pathobiology of Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies
Applied Genomic Analysis of Leptospira
(Nonfunded Cooperative Agreement)
Phylogenetic Analysis of Bovine Viral Diarrhea Viruses Carried by Persistently Infected Animals Identified in Nahms Survey
(Nonfunded Cooperative Agreement)
Biological Studies of Putative Nonstructural Protein 2 in Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus
Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus Persistent Infection of White-Tailed Deer and Their Risk to Domestic Cattle
Characterization of Swine Influenza Virus Isolates
Effect of Feeding Heat-Treated Colostrum Mycobacterium Paratuberculosis (Map) in Dairy Calves: Phase 1/06-01731
Gene Expression in Lymph Nodes of Prrsv-Infected Pigs
Genetic and Antigenic Characterization of North American H1 Swine Influenza Viruses
Identification of Type I Interferon Antagonists of Prrsv Viral Structural Proteins
Implementation of a Prrsv Strain Database
Influenza Pandemic Preparedness
Is Humoral Immunity Defective in Pcv-2 Infected Piglets?
Johne's Disease Integrated Program in Research, Education, and Extension
Prevention and Treatment of Mycobacterium Avium Subsp. Paratuberculosis (Map) Infection in Mice by Lactobacillus Acidophilus Np51
Rsv Effects on Epithelia Dendritic Cell Cross Talk
Sequencing, Cloning and Characterization of a 2007 Vietnam Prrsv Isolate
Biological Studies of Putative Nonstructural Protein 2 in Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Biological Studies of Putative Nonstructural Protein 2 in Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Bse Pathogenesis Study
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Detection of Prp**d in Tissue Samples and Bodily Fluids of Cattle from the German Bse Pathogenesis Study
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Effect of Feeding Low and High Dietary Cation-Anion Difference Forages to Periparturient Dairy Cows
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Effect of Feeding Low and High Dietary Cation-Anion Difference Forages to Periparturient Dairy Cows
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Identification of Cattle with Different Genotypes for Bse Inoculation
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Investigation of Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Production of Transgenic Mice
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Study of Atypical Bse
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Study of Influenza a Viruses
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Study of Prrsv and Prrs Related Diseases
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Susceptibility of Cattle with the E211k Prnp Allele to Bse
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Comparing Immune Response of Experimental and Conventional Vaccines
Control of Respiratory and Systemic Disease Caused by Pasteurella Multocida
Development of a Serologic Test for Detection of Tuberculosis Cattle
Gene Expression Signature Dynamics for Mycobacterium Avium Subsp. Paratuberculosis Infection and Persistence in Dairy Cattle
Immunological Response of Cattle to Leptospira Borgpetersenii Serovar Hardjo
Crop Protection & Quarantine (NP #304)
Ecologically-Based Management of Insect Pests of Corn
Effects of New Bt Products and Larval Ecology on the Relative Risks of Ecb Resistance Management Strategies: University of Illinois, Onstad
Assessing Interplant Movement of European Corn Borers
(Nonfunded Cooperative Agreement)
Diabrotica Genetics Consortium
(Nonfunded Cooperative Agreement)
Contributions to a Framework for Managing Insect Resistance to Transgenic Crops
Effects of New Bt Products and Larval Ecology on the Relative Risks of European Corn Borer Resistance Management Strategies
Genomic Resources to Accelerate Western Corn Rootworm Research
Spatial and Temporal Characterization of Gene Flow among European Corn Borer Populations Using Microsatellite Markers
Effects of New Bt Products and Larval Ecology on the Relative Risks of Ecb Resistance Management Strategies
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Evaluating Non-Bt Refuge Needs for the Corn Belt: Effects of European Corn Borer Resistance Alleles and Multiple-Toxin Bt Hybrids
Food Safety, (animal and plant products) (NP #108)
Effects of Diet Formulation on Zoonotic Pathogens in Swine Feces and Manure
Impact of Diet and Gut Microbial Ecology on Foodborne Bacterial Pathogens and Antimicrobial Resistance in Farm Animals
Impact of Hog and Turkey Farm Production Practices on Molecular Epidemiology of Campylobacter, Salmonella, and Emerging Foodborne Pathogens
Molecular Analysis of Salmonella Virulence, Antibiotic Resistance, and Host Response
Prevention of Losses from Colibacillosis and O157:h7 and Other Shiga Toxin-Producing E. Coli (Stec) in Cattle and Swine
Developing Predictive Models for Identifying Pigs with Decreased Salmonella Shedding Based on Innate Inflammatory Response in Blood
Global Change (NP #204)
Biogeochemical Processes Influencing Formation and Stabilization of Soil Organic Matter and Soil Structure
Trace Gas Exchanges in Midwest Cropping Systems
Impact of Biochar on Soil Quality, Crop Yields, Carbon Sequestration, and Water Quality
(Nonfunded Cooperative Agreement)
Soil Organic Matter and Nitrogen Cycling under Continuous Rice Cropping in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam
(Nonfunded Cooperative Agreement)
Nitrogen Source Effects on Nitrous Oxide Emissions from Irrigated and Rainfed Production Systems
Integrated Farming Systems (NP #207)
Ecologically-Based Management of Insect Pests of Corn
Effects of New Bt Products and Larval Ecology on the Relative Risks of Ecb Resistance Management Strategies: University of Illinois, Onstad
Assessing Interplant Movement of European Corn Borers
(Nonfunded Cooperative Agreement)
Diabrotica Genetics Consortium
(Nonfunded Cooperative Agreement)
Contributions to a Framework for Managing Insect Resistance to Transgenic Crops
Development and Assessment of Risk Management Tools for Agronomic Crop Production
Effects of New Bt Products and Larval Ecology on the Relative Risks of European Corn Borer Resistance Management Strategies
Genomic Resources to Accelerate Western Corn Rootworm Research
Sustainable Cropping Systems for Harvesting Corn Stover for Biomass
Effects of New Bt Products and Larval Ecology on the Relative Risks of Ecb Resistance Management Strategies
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Evaluation of Airborne Remote to Assess Field Conditions and Spatial Variability
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Field Scale Evaluation of Nitrogen, Carbon, Soil Water, and Crop Growth Interactions
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Incorporation of Field-Scale Risk Assessment Tools into I-Farm for Use by Consultants and Producers
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Information Exchange and Assessment of Agricultural Practices Across the United States
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Evaluating Non-Bt Refuge Needs for the Corn Belt: Effects of European Corn Borer Resistance Alleles and Multiple-Toxin Bt Hybrids
Manure and Byproduct Utilization (NP #206)
Alternative Management Practices for Farming Systems Utilizing Manure
Emission and Dispersion of Air Quality Constituents from Agricultural Systems
Reduction of Nutrient Losses and Aerial Emissions from Livestock Production Facilities
Chemical Characterization Particulates and Gaseous Emissions from Impacted and Non-Impacted Areas Associated with Swine Feeding Operations
Critical Evaluation of Commercially Available Enzymes and Processing on Nutrient Digestibility of Swine Diets Containing Ddgs
Impacts of Water Sprinkler Systems on Air Quality at Cattle Feedlots
In Vitro Estimation and in Vivo Determination of Metabolizable Energy in Corn Co-Products
Apparent Metabolizable Energy of Corn Co-Products in Broilers
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Assessment of the Emission and Dispersion of Gases and Particulates from Agricultural Operations
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Development of Instruments for Measurement of Particulates and Gases from Agricultural Operations
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Evaluation of Information Needs for Swine Research
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Impact of Fiberous Feedstuff on Marker Appearance and Disappearance, and on Nutrient Digestibility in Finishing Pigs
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Development of Farming Systems for Environmental Credits and Production Efficiency
Plant Biological and Molecular Processes (NP #302)
Functional and Structural Genetic Analysis of Soybean and Other Legumes
Functional Genomics of Cereal Disease Defense
Memorandum of Understanding: International Barley Genome Sequencing Consortium (Ibsc)
(Memorandum of Understanding)
Iron Deficiency Chlorosis: Getting to the Root of the Problem
Toward Cloning Rps3 and Rps8, Effective Resistance Genes for Phytophthora Sojae for the New Millennium
High Throughput Sequencing for Asian Soybean Rust and Phytophthora
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Plant Genetic Resources, Genomics and Genetic Improvement (NP #301)
Breeding High-Quality Corn for Low-Input and Organic Farming Systems
Curation and Development of the Soybean Breeder's Toolbox and Its Integration with Other Plant Genome Databases
Functional and Structural Genetic Analysis of Soybean and Other Legumes
Genetic Analysis of Selection Response in Maize Populations
Germplasm Enhancement of Maize Project (Gem)
Identification of Plant Genetic Mechanisms That Influence Insect-Pollinator Preference
Plant Genetic Resource and Information Management
The Maize Genetics and Genomics Database
Farmer Cooperation in the Development and Evaluation of Corn Varieties for Sustainable Agriculture
(Nonfunded Cooperative Agreement)
A Strategy for Responding to the Whole-Genome Shotgun Sequence of the Soybean Genome
Association Genetics to Identify and Enhance Oat and Barley Germplasm for Nutritional Function
Center for Research on Botanical Dietary Supplements
Iron Deficiency Chlorosis: Getting to the Root of the Problem
Plant Biotech Iowa
Toward Cloning Rps3 and Rps8, Effective Resistance Genes for Phytophthora Sojae for the New Millennium
A Strategy for Responding to the Whole Genome Shotgun Sequence of the Soybean Genome - Purdue Assembly
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Anthracnose Stalk Rot Resistance from Exotic Maize Germplasm
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Characterization & Utilization of Gem Breeding Crosses, Topcrosses & Advanced Lines for Drought Tolerance, Grain Mold Resist. & Corn Earworm
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Conducting, Coordinating and Developing Inbreds from the Southern Gem Trials Using 50%-Tropical Maize Germplasm
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Database of Repetititve and Transposable Elements in Soybean: Genome Annotation
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Developing a Regional Risk-Assessment Model for Invasive Woody Plants in the North Central U.S.
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Developing High Quality Corn for Sustainable Farmers in the Northern Corn Belt
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Development and Utilization of Gem-Based Amylomaize Hybrids and the Identification of High Amylose Modifying Genes Through Qtl Analysis
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Development of Early Maturing Gem Lines with Value-Added Traits
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Development of Inbreds, Hybrids, and Enhanced Gem Breeding Populations with Superior Silage Yield & Nutritional Value
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Development of Novel Maize Sequence Access and Analysis Methods for Maizegdb
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Engaging Farmers in the Development and Evaluation of Corn Varieties for Sustainable Agriculture
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Evaluation of Brassica Germplasm for Resistance to Turnip Aphid (Lipaphis Erysimi)
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Gem Germplasm-Unlocking Maize Diversity for Improving Host Plant Resistance Against Western Corn Rootworm and Other Biotic Stresses
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Granual Development and Value-Added Utilization of Gem Line Starch
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
High Throughput Sequencing for Asian Soybean Rust and Phytophthora
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Inbred Line Development and Hybrid Evaluation in Gem Breeding Crosses
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Legume Information System and Network - a Legume Bioinformatics Resource
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Proposal to Develop New Plant Hardiness Map Data for the United States
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Races of Maize Native to the Southwestern United States
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Relational Legume Genome Database: the Breeder's Toolbox
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Validating Risk-Assessment Models for the Evaluation of Non-Native Woody Plants in the Chicago Region
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Soil Resource Management (NP #202)
Alternative Management Practices for Farming Systems Utilizing Manure
Biogeochemical Processes Influencing Formation and Stabilization of Soil Organic Matter and Soil Structure
Ecologically-Based Soil Management for Sustainable Agriculture and Resource Conservation
Enhanced Midwestern Cropping Systems for Sustainability and Environmental Quality
Reducing Nitrate Losses from Agricultural Fields with Subsurface Drainage
Trace Gas Exchanges in Midwest Cropping Systems
Impact of Biochar on Soil Quality, Crop Yields, Carbon Sequestration, and Water Quality
(Nonfunded Cooperative Agreement)
Conservation Effects Assessment Project
Determining Maximum Sustainable Production of Biomass with Mixture of Prairie Species
Regional Corn Stover Removal Impact Study - Ames
Conservation Effects Assessment Project (Ceap) Database Development and Deployment
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Evaluation of Crop Yield Variability Across Crop Production Fields in Central Iowa
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Social Implications of Alternative Farming Systems
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Nitrogen Source Effects on Nitrous Oxide Emissions from Irrigated and Rainfed Production Systems
Water Availability and Water Management (NP #211)
Alternative Management Practices for Farming Systems Utilizing Manure
Biogeochemical Processes Influencing Formation and Stabilization of Soil Organic Matter and Soil Structure
Ecologically-Based Soil Management for Sustainable Agriculture and Resource Conservation
Reducing Nitrate Losses from Agricultural Fields with Subsurface Drainage
Water Quality Improvement from Management Practices in Agricultural Watersheds
Impact of Biochar on Soil Quality, Crop Yields, Carbon Sequestration, and Water Quality
(Nonfunded Cooperative Agreement)
Conservation Effects Assessment Project
Conservation Effects Assessment Project
Determining Maximum Sustainable Production of Biomass with Mixture of Prairie Species
Development and Assessment of Risk Management Tools for Agronomic Crop Production
Development of a Gis-Based Rusle2 Interface Template for Use with Iowa¿s Lidar Digital Elevation Data
Regional Corn Stover Removal Impact Study - Ames
Sustainable Cropping Systems for Harvesting Corn Stover for Biomass
Conservation Effects Assessment Project (Ceap) Database Development and Deployment
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Development of a Gis-Based Rusle2 Interface Template for Use with Iowa's Lidar Digital Elevation Data
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Development of a Gis-Based Rusle2 Interface Template for Use with Iowa's Lidar Digital Elevation Data
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Evaluation of Airborne Remote to Assess Field Conditions and Spatial Variability
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Evaluation of Crop Yield Variability Across Crop Production Fields in Central Iowa
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Field Scale Evaluation of Nitrogen, Carbon, Soil Water, and Crop Growth Interactions
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Incorporation of Field-Scale Risk Assessment Tools into I-Farm for Use by Consultants and Producers
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Information Exchange and Assessment of Agricultural Practices Across the United States
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Social Implications of Alternative Farming Systems
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
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Last Modified: 05/06/2009
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