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Title:  Facts From NLTS2: Secondary School Experiences of Students With Autism
Description: The National Center for Special Education Research at the Institute of Education Sciences has released a new fact sheet on the National Longitudinal Transition Study-2 (NLTS2) entitled Facts From NLTS2: Secondary School Experiences of Students With Autism. This fact sheet provides a national picture of the secondary school experiences of students with autism using data from the NLTS2. This study has a nationally representative sample of more than 11,000 students with disabilities. Approximately 1,000 youth with autism are included in the sample. The fact sheet provides information on such topics as the courses taken, instructional settings, the nature of the curriculum and instruction, teacher perceptions, and the types of accommodations and supports provided for students with autism.
Online Availability:
Cover Date: April 2007
Web Release: May 14, 2007
Publication #: NCSER 20073005
Center/Program: NCSER
Authors: Lynn Newman, SRI International.
Type of Product: Research Report
Questions: For questions about the content of this Research Report, please contact:
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