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Mobile Source Research Facility

Mobile Source Research - Research Triangle Park, North Carolina
Mobile Source Research Facility: Above ground gasoline storage tanks provide capability for vehicle emissions testing of a wide assortment of fuels.

A number of unique, state-of-the-art resources for the characterization and source profiling of motor-vehicle emissions and off-road-engine exhaust are available. Motor-vehicle-emissions research can be conducted by a chamber capable of maintaining temperatures in the range of -20°F to 100°F. Also available is a suite of small-engine dynamometers to conduct emissions research on small hand-held engines (string trimmers, leaf blowers, chain saws), lawn mowers, and outboard motors. There are 10 new above-ground gasoline storage tanks which provide the capability to test vehicles using a wide assortment of fuels (e.g., summer- and winter-grade gasolines, oxyfuels, reformulated gasolines, and custom fuel blends) and fuel additives. The facility also operates a portable chassis dynamometer and portable analytical lab capable of conducting emissions research at remote sites under ambient conditions. Mobile ambient monitoring platforms are maintained at the facility to measure air quality and population exposures to motor vehicle emissions. Analytical equipment is available for measuring a wide range of emissions and compounds.

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