Therapist Professional Advisory Committee

Readiness Committee


The mission of the Readiness Committee is to promote and monitor category readiness and wellness.

Chair: LCDR Joe Golding

Subcommittees under this committee include:

  • Office of Force Readiness and Deployment (OFRD) Subcommittee
  • Healthy Lifestyles Subcommittee

    OFRD Subcommittee

    Chair: CDR David Byrne

    The function of this subcommittee is to facilitate therapist participation in OFRD and involvement with Physical Fitness standards development and testing protocols. Therapist Officers are advised to consult numerous on-line resources compiled by the subcommittee to assist them in meeting basic readiness standards.

    The subcommittee also has developed a checklist of suggestions on how to maintain or improve readiness status once basic readiness standards have been met. (pdf format document)


    Healthy Lifestyles Subcommittee

    Chair: LCDR Joe Golding

    The purpose of this subcommittee is to facilitate programs to support healthy lifestyles.

    Officers are advised to consult a variety of websites on the world wide web that promote healthy lifestyles. A few are listed in the links area of this site.

    Therapist Officers are encouraged to take the lead in assisting their colleagues at their duty stations in meeting basic readiness fitness standards. Materials to facilitate these activities include a poster announcing a Therapist sponsored APFT event, a working form that can be used in the field during the APFT, and the official form required to document the APFT results.


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    Last updated October 2008