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NOAA At The Ends of the Earth Collection
Catalog of Images

1650 thumbnail picture
Chow hall at Point Pitt. Lynn Morgan, in apron, was a great cook.
Alaska Arctic Coast 1950
1651 thumbnail picture
Celebrating a successful whaling season on the beach at Point Barrow. The whales were cut up and divided among the villagers.
Alaska Arctic Coast 1950
1652 thumbnail picture
Celebrating a successful whaling season on the beach at Point Barrow. The whales were cut up and divided among the villagers.
Alaska Arctic Coast 1950
1653 thumbnail picture
Celebrating a successful whaling season on the beach at Point Barrow. The whales were cut up and divided among the villagers. The blanket toss or "nelikatuk?" was a favorite game.
Alaska Arctic Coast 1950
1654 thumbnail picture
Celebrating a successful whaling season on the beach at Point Barrow. The whales were cut up and divided among the villagers. The blanket toss or "nelikatuk?" was a favorite game.
Alaska Arctic Coast 1950
1655 thumbnail picture
Celebrating a successful whaling season on the beach at Point Barrow. The whales were cut up and divided among the villagers. The blanket toss or "nelikatuk?" was a favorite game.
Alaska Arctic Coast 1950
1656 thumbnail picture
Ice floe passing by loaded with trash and waste from Point Barrow, 80 miles to the west.
Alaska Arctic Coast 1950
1657 thumbnail picture
Neir Negovanna and his wife Roseanna share a reflective moment.
Alaska Arctic Coast 1950
1658 thumbnail picture
A skinned caribou getting ready for the frying pan. Mosquito headnet man to left. The other man is Samuel Penangoona.
Alaska Arctic Coast 1950
1659 thumbnail picture
Two LCM's (landing craft medium) used to ferry much of the surveyors' camp to Pitt Point in the late summer.
Alaska Arctic Coast 1950
1660 thumbnail picture
Navy reservists shuttling survey crew's annual supplies ashore with "Water Buffalo" from an LST of the Barrow Expedition (BAREX). Shallow water necessitated anchoring offshore.
Alaska Arctic Coast 1950
1661 thumbnail picture
Navy reservists shuttling survey crew's annual supplies ashore with "Water Buffalo" from an LST of the Barrow Expedition (BAREX). Shallow water necessitated anchoring offshore.
Alaska Arctic Coast 1950
1662 thumbnail picture
An airplane view of the camp at Pitt Point in midsummer.
Alaska Arctic Coast 1950
1663 thumbnail picture
Commander Maurice Hecht, Commander Glenn Moore, and Bud Stone at the Barrow headquarters.
Alaska Arctic Coast 1950
1664 thumbnail picture
Cat train enroute from Pitt Point to Point Lay. Train is hauled by caterpillar tractors - thus term "cat train"
Alaska Arctic Coast 1950
1665 thumbnail picture
Cat train enroute from Pitt Point to Point Lay. Train is hauled by caterpillar tractors - thus term "cat train"
Alaska Arctic Coast 1950
1666 thumbnail picture
Survey crew under Assistant John F. Pratt, #1, departing San Francisco for the surveying along the Alaska-Canada 141st Meridian Boundary.
San Francisco, California
1667 thumbnail picture
Survey crew under Assistant John F. Pratt, #1, departing San Francisco for the surveying along the Alaska-Canada 141st Meridian Boundary.
San Francisco, California
1668 thumbnail picture
"Manning the pumps" on the TERRA NOVA headed across the Southern Ocean. In: "Scott's Last Expedition ....", 1913. Dodd, Mead, and Company. New York. Volume I. Page 10.
1910 December
1669 thumbnail picture
"The first iceberg." P. 10. In: "Scott's Last Expedition ....", 1913. Dodd, Mead, and Company. New York. Volume I. Page 10.
1910 December
1670 thumbnail picture
The TERRA NOVA -- "In the pack - a lead opening up." In: "Scott's Last Expedition ....", 1913. Dodd, Mead, and Company. New York. Volume I. Page 48.
1910 December
1671 thumbnail picture
"The 'TERRA NOVA' in McMurdo Sound." In: "Scott's Last Expedition ....", 1913. Dodd, Mead, and Company. New York. Volume I. Page 62.
McMurdo Sound, Antarctica 1910 December
1672 thumbnail picture
"The great ice barrier - looking east from Cape Crozier." In: "Scott's Last Expedition ....", 1913. Dodd, Mead, and Company. New York. Volume I. Page 51. Watercolor by Edward A. Wilson.
Cape Crozier, Antarctica 1911 January 4
1673 thumbnail picture
"Seals basking on newly formed pancake ice off Cape Evans." In: "Scott's Last Expedition ....", 1913. Dodd, Mead, and Company. New York. Volume I. Page 106.
Cape Evans, Antarctica 1911 Summer
1674 thumbnail picture
"Dr. Wilson and Lieut. Bowers reading the ramp thermometer in the winter night, -40 Fahr. (A flashlight photograph.) In: "Scott's Last Expedition ....", 1913. Dodd, Mead, and Company. New York. Volume I. Page 221.
McMurdo Sound, Antarctica 1911 Winter
1675 thumbnail picture
"Dr. Simpson sending up a balloon." In: "Scott's Last Expedition ....", 1913. Dodd, Mead, and Company. New York. Volume I. Page 266. Library Call No. G850 1910 .S35 1913 .
McMurdo Sound, Antarctica 1911 Spring
1676 thumbnail picture
Edward A. Wilson, B. A., M. B. In: "Scott's Last Expedition ....", 1913. Dodd, Mead, and Company. New York. Volume II. Frontispiece. Library Call No. G850 1910 .S35 1913 .
McMurdo Sound, Antarctica
1677 thumbnail picture
"Campbell and Priestley afloat on pancake ice." In: "Scott's Last Expedition ....", 1913. Dodd, Mead, and Company. New York. Volume II. Page 66. Library Call No. G850 1910 .S35 1913 .
McMurdo Sound, Antarctica
1678 thumbnail picture
"Penguins jumping onto the ice-foot." In: "Scott's Last Expedition ....", 1913. Dodd, Mead, and Company. New York. Volume II. Page 64. Library Call No. G850 1910 .S35 1913 .
McMurdo Sound, Antarctica
1679 thumbnail picture
Detail of "Penguins jumping onto the ice-foot." In: "Scott's Last Expedition ....", 1913. Dodd, Mead, and Company. New York. Volume II. Page 64. Library Call No. G850 1910 .S35 1913 .
McMurdo Sound, Antarctica
1680 thumbnail picture
"Penguins on ice-foot." In: "Scott's Last Expedition ....", 1913. Dodd, Mead, and Company. New York. Volume II. Page 87. Library Call No. G850 1910 .S35 1913 .
McMurdo Sound, Antarctica
1681 thumbnail picture
"Penguins Diving." In: "Scott's Last Expedition ....", 1913. Dodd, Mead, and Company. New York. Volume II. Page 108. Library Call No. G850 1910 .S35 1913 .
McMurdo Sound, Antarctica
1682 thumbnail picture
"Penguins Diving." In: "Scott's Last Expedition ....", 1913. Dodd, Mead, and Company. New York. Volume II. Page 108. Library Call No. G850 1910 .S35 1913 .
McMurdo Sound, Antarctica
1683 thumbnail picture
"Mount Erebus." In: "Scott's Last Expedition ....", 1913. Dodd, Mead, and Company. New York. Volume II. Page 210. Library Call No. G850 1910 .S35 1913 .
McMurdo Sound, Antarctica
1684 thumbnail picture
"The shadow of Mount Erebus on the clouds." In: "Scott's Last Expedition ....", 1913. Dodd, Mead, and Company. New York. Volume II. Page 200. Library Call No. G850 1910 .S35 1913 .
McMurdo Sound, Antarctica
1685 thumbnail picture
On the South Island of New Zealand above Christchurch.
South Island, New Zealand 1957
1686 thumbnail picture
A thatched roof house in Christchurch.
Christchurch, New Zealand 1957
1687 thumbnail picture
The city of Christchurch.
Christchurch, New Zealand 1957
1688 thumbnail picture
Looking down on Christchurch from the surrounding hills.
Christchurch, New Zealand 1957
1689 thumbnail picture
The ice landing strip at McMurdo Station.
McMurdo Station, Antarctica 1957
1690 thumbnail picture
A scene at McMurdo Station.
McMurdo Station, Antarctica 1957
1691 thumbnail picture
Sir Edmund Hillary after accompanying first plane to land at the Marble Point ground air strip.
Marble Point, Antarctica 1957
1692 thumbnail picture
The engineers who built the Marble Point landing strip - the first ground strip in Antartica. Back row - Bill McTigue, Navy Hydro Office; Commander Stephens, USN; __; Dr. Bob Nichols, Tufts University; front row - ___; Father Linehan, Wesson Observatory; ___.
Marble Point, Antarctica 1957
1693 thumbnail picture
A scene at McMurdo Station.
McMurdo Station, Antarctica 1957
1694 thumbnail picture
Bill McTigue at a Marble Point surveying control station for helping in construction of air strip.
Marble Point, Antarctica 1957
1695 thumbnail picture
The base camp at Marble Point.
Marble Point, Antarctica 1957
1696 thumbnail picture
Landing equipment to build the Marble Point air strip.
Marble Point, Antarctica 1957
1697 thumbnail picture
The first ground landing at Marble Point air strip and in Antartica. Admiral Dufeck, USN, and Sir Edmund Hillary were on this flight.
Marble Point, Antarctica 1957
1698 thumbnail picture
A view at Marble Point.
Marble Point, Antarctica 1957
1699 thumbnail picture
Working on a hydrographic survey smooth sheet on board the C&GS Ship BACHE in July 1916.

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Last Updated:
April 23, 2007