What's New?

NMPF Urges USDA to Address Weakening Dairy Prices

 Grocery dairy case



NMPF sent a letter to the USDA on January 8, 2009, urging immediate action to help address the collapse of dairy prices. More...






EPA's CERCLA Livestock Exemption Rule Causes Confusion for EPCRA Reporting. More...


NMPF Urges FSA to Clarify MILC Rules, Resolve Errors in Implementation. More...


Milk Pricing Talking Points - January 2009. More...


January 2009 News for Dairy Co-Ops. More...


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Mission Statement

NMPF is a farm commodity organization representing most of the dairy marketing cooperatives serving this nation. NMPF members market the majority of the milk produced in the U.S., making the NMPF the principal voice on national issues for dairy cooperatives and their dairy farmer members.


NMPF also manages the Cooperatives Working Together program: