Document Revised 2/18/2009

Advice on Preparation of a CFAR Application

The purpose of this Advice document is:

  1. To suggest an organizational structure that will help reviewers evaluate your application, and
  2. To help you identify and address all the issues and requirements described in the Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA).

Although the suggested format is not required, it will substantially aid the review process. The Advice document does not alter or replace information or instructions in the CFAR FOA.

General Considerations and Organization

Suggested Table of Contents

The following table of contents outlines all the elements you will need to include in your application and the suggested organization for these elements. Please read the entire Advice document before preparing the application. Some of the terms used in this abbreviated format have a specific meaning that is explained in detail either in subsequent pages here or in the FOA.

Face Page  
Project Summary , Performance Sites, Scientific/Key Personnel, etc.  
Table of contents (with page numbers) Do not use PHS Form Page 3.  
Budget for Initial Budget Period  
Budget for Entire Proposed Period of Support  
Detailed Budgets for Cores: Consortium/Contractual Arrangements for Multi-Institutional CFARs and Off-Site Cores  
Biographical Sketch Format Page  
Eligibility and Investigator Participation (include Excel spreadsheet)  
Overall Description of the Proposed CFAR  
Strategic Plan
Action Plan
Outcome Measurements
CFAR Policies and Procedures
Roles in Decision Making Processes
Reporting Processes
Annual Strategic Planning Processes
Needs Assessment, Selection Process (Basic & Clinical Cores)
Advisory Committees
Description of Individual Cores (Include for Admin. Core, Developmental Core, all Basic & Clinical Cores.)  
Core Descriptions
Detailed Budgets of Each Core
Justification of Budget Requests
Research Plan
Policies and Procedures for Individual Cores
Core Utilization
Human Subjects – items in addition to those covered in the Administrative core
Vertebrate Animals
Core Literature
Description of Scientific Programs (if applicable)  
Institutional Commitment  
LITERATURE CITED (composite list of references)  
APPENDICES (five identical CDs)  

Initial Section of Application

Face page.
Use the PHS 398 Face Page. Items 1-14: complete these items as instructed. This should be the first page of the entire application and all succeeding pages should be numbered consecutively. The applicant institution listed on the Face Page must be the official, fiscally responsible institution of which the CFAR is a part. Multi-institution CFARs must select a single applicant institution as recipient of the CFAR award.

In line 2: please indicate with the title whether this is a D-CFAR or CFAR application.

Project Summary, Performance Sites, and Scientific/Key Personnel (PHS 398 Form pages 2 and 3)
The PROJECT SUMMARY is intended to provide a brief description of the CFAR application. You may want the description to include the long term goals and first year milestones, indicating areas of scientific emphasis, a description of the Cores and activities selected, and how you plan to allocate funds to Developmental, Basic and Clinical Cores that you have chosen.

Under PERFORMANCE SITES include the institutions that make up the CFAR or D-CFAR (i.e, the location of the CFAR Core facilities).

Under SCIENTIFIC/KEY PERSONNEL, list PI (usually the CFAR Director), followed by the Core Directors, Scientific Program Directors, and senior Administrators.

Table of Contents
Do not use Form Page 3 of the PHS 398; a more comprehensive table of contents is needed for the CFAR application (see suggested table of contents at the beginning of this document).

The CFAR application should be assembled and paginated as one complete application beginning with the Face Page and numbering pages consecutively (without using suffixes, e.g., 3a, 3b, etc.), including letters, Literature Cited and Checklists. For Appendices, label and number each separately (e.g., A, B, etc. and page A1, A2, B1, B2, etc.) Bearing in mind that the application will be scientifically reviewed Core by Core, prepare a detailed table of contents that will enable reviewers to locate specific information pertinent to the overall application as well as to each Core. A page reference should be included for the budget for each Core. Further, each Core should be identified by letter (e.g., Core A), title, and responsible Core Director.

Budget for Initial Budget Period (PHS 398 Form page 4)
Present a composite budget for the first year for all Core support requested. If there are Core components or other activities that are proposed as subcontracts or consortia, with different indirect cost rates, include the total cost in "contractual costs" on the appropriate budget pages, and specify the rate in the Budget Justification. Submit separate budget pages for all consortia/subcontracts.

Budget for Entire CFAR Proposed Period of Support (PHS 398 Form page 5)
Present a composite budget for all years of support requested.

Detailed Budgets for Cores (PHS 398 Form pages 4 and 5)
This is a duplicate of the Core budgets listed for each Core, but shown together in a single location. While located here, they are to be provided later in the application as well with each separate Core.

Consortium/Contractual Arrangements for Multi-institutional CFARs and Off-Site Cores
Explain the programmatic, fiscal, and administrative arrangements to be made between the applicant organization and the consortium organization(s). If consortium/contractual activities represent a significant portion of the overall project, explain why the applicant organization, rather than the ultimate performer of the activities, should be the grantee.

Biographical Sketches (PHS 398, Biographical Sketch Format Page)
Please arrange in the following order:

A standardized format for the Biographical Sketch (maximum of four pages for each key person) must be used for the CFAR grant application. A format page, including a sample biographical sketch, has been developed and is available on the NIH website

Eligibility and Investigator Participation (see FOA)
NIH will provide applicants with a NIH AIDS-Funded Research Base (FRB) Excel spreadsheet indicating all investigators receiving NIH AIDS funding at an applicant's institution (or institutions if a multi-institution application), listed by NIH Institute.

You should request the spreadsheet from Ms. Chau Nguyen (Contractor, Henry M. Jackson Foundation) at Applicants are requested to indicate those investigators who have formally agreed to participate in the CFAR by indicating the type of participation. Applicants should provide a brief explanation at the bottom of the table as to why investigators may not be participating. If there are investigators who will participate in the CFAR but are not listed on the spreadsheet provided, a separate spreadsheet can be created using the same format to list these investigators.

Investigators who plan to participate in the funded CFAR should provide the CFAR PI with written confirmation of their intent at the time the application is being prepared. These documents should not be sent with the application but may be requested by the review committee, or at the time of award.

Resources Format Page
Do not provide this for the overall application. Essential information is to be presented in the individual Core sections of the application.


(See Section I.1 in the CFAR FOA for the research objectives.)

Overall description of the proposed CFAR

CFAR and D-CFAR Overview and Administrative Core

The elements listed below should be addressed in this section: (See CFAR FOA Section IV.6 for detailed information of each section.)

Any modification of the following elements resulting from recommendations made by the peer review group during review will be incorporated into the Terms and Conditions of Award at the time of award.

Any revisions to the listed elements made after the Notice of Award will require prior approval from the NIH.

  1. Strategic plan
    1. Strengths
    2. Opportunities
    3. Action plan
    4. Outcome measurements
  2. Policies and procedures
    1. Proposed roles in decision-making processes
    2. Annual strategic planning processes
    3. Needs assessment and selection process for Scientific Programs, Basic and Clinical Cores, and assigning priorities to potential Cores and Scientific Programs
    4. Advisory committees - describe membership of all committees, how participants are selected, terms of appointment, authority and responsibility of members.
  3. Administrative issues
    1. Protection of human subjects
      1. All clinical studies supported by CFAR comply with OHRP/NIH
      2. If human subjects are used, it should be indicated on the face page.
    2. Inclusion of women, children, and minorities
  4. CFAR tables
    1. Include "Existing Core Facilities at the Institution Applying for a CFAR Award" Table from in the in Introduction/Overview section.
    2. The NIH AIDS-funded Research Base (FRB) spreadsheet provided by NIH should be included here.

Description of Individual Cores

The purpose of this section is to identify the 'nuts and bolts' of how the various Cores of the CFAR will be organized, and specifically how they will accomplish the action plan described under the Strategic Plan section. It should also serve to provide an objective assessment of the effectiveness of the Strategic Plan and of CFAR Policies and Procedures.

The following information should be provided for all Cores. Please begin with the Administrative Core, followed by the Developmental Core, and the Clinical and Basic Cores. Additional information required for Administrative and Developmental Cores, and additional activities is located below.

Developmental Core

In addition to the information above, describe the following:

For Renewal CFARs:

  1. Outcome measurements for previous recipients of Developmental Core funding. Please use the table provided on
  2. Provide animal and human subjects information, and gender and minority information for pilot projects funded through the Developmental Core.

First year plan for all applicants:

  1. Provide a list of potential pilot project applicants (new CFAR applicants) or recipients (renewal CFAR applicants), project titles and a brief description of the projects supported in the first year of Developmental Core funding.
  2. If applicable, describe projects developed by Scientific Programs intended for funding in the first year of CFAR support. Include Project Director, other participating investigators, relevant research environment, budget, and research plan per the PHS 398 forms.
  3. Provide animal and human subjects information, and gender and minority information for pilot projects, and projects developed through the Scientific Programs to be funded through the Developmental Core.

Additional CFAR-supported Activities

All activities must be assigned to a Core. Support for minority investigators for example, could be provided through a Developmental Core pilot project. A separate Core could be developed for foreign collaborations. For each additional activity indicate the leader of the project, the purpose, the first year plan, outcome measurements, and criteria for modifying funding in subsequent years.

Scientific Programs

Describe the following:

Institutional Commitment (see FOA)


Provide a composite list of references. Please use the PMC reference number if available as described previously.


Appendices are provided only to reviewers assigned to the application, and not to all reviewers. Appendices should not contain information required for review by other committee members. Appendix material must be provided on CD only, and five identical CDs should be included in one package with the application. Please see for more information.

For Appendices, label and number each separately (e.g., Appendix A, Appendix B, etc. and page A1, A2, B1, B2, etc.)


Place at the end of the application package. Please be sure to check off the correct box for the type of application (e.g., competing continuation = renewal, revised application = resubmission, never had a CFAR/D-CFAR = new or substantial changes after an 01A1 or 01A2 = new. Please contact Program if you are not clear on which box to check.


NIH Policy on Submission of Additional Grant Application Materials can be found on

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Last Updated 02.18.09 (alt)