State of Colorado: Governor Bill Ritter

Governor's Internship Program



The Governor's Office is pleased to announce that we are now accepting applications for our internship program.  Program details, requirements, expectations, and the application process are contained in the attached application.  Please be aware that due to Capitol Construction we have reduced space and will be accepting a limited number of interns.  Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis until all positions are filled.



About Governor Ritter's Internship Program


The Governor's Internship program is one of the best ways for students to become directly involved in their State government.  While at the Capitol, students will participate in everything from the day-to-day functions of the office to special gubernatorial events.


Interns are selected to participate directly in the functions of one of the following offices:

  1. Boards and Commissions
  2. Communications
  3. Constituent Correspondence
  4. Lieutenant Governor's Office
  5. Citizen Assistance Office
  6. First Lady's Office


Interns will be involved in the activities of each office from administrative office duties to attending meetings.


If you have further questions please contact our internship coordinator:


Tyler Smith

127 State Capitol

Denver, CO 80203

(303) 866-6216