U.S. Census Bureau

 Small Area Income & Poverty Estimates

 Model-based Estimates for States, Counties, & School Districts

Population Estimation Procedure for Puerto Rico



Matthew Christenson
International Program Center
U. S. Census Bureau

The International Programs Center of the U. S. Bureau of the Census prepares annual estimates and projections by age and sex for the population of Puerto Rico at the commonwealth level. These estimates and projections are based upon three components of population change: fertility (births), mortality (deaths), and migration (movement of people in and out of Puerto Rico).

All of the demographic data available for Puerto Rico are evaluated and, when appropriate, adjusted with the aid of an array of computer-based demographic analysis programs developed either by the U.S. Bureau of the Census or the United Nations. When we are satisfied that the data are of the highest possible quality, we produce the estimates and projections using a computer program developed by the U.S. Census Bureau called the Rural Urban Projection Program (RUP). This program works with data at the level of single-year age groups to produce yearly estimates or projections. At present we have estimates for the population of Puerto Rico for the years 1990-1999 and projections that extend to the year 2050.

The estimates and projections for Puerto Rico were made with the following data:

For more information about the data, methodology, or software used in preparing the estimates and projections for Puerto Rico, contact Matthew Christenson at 301/763-6064 or by e-mail at matthew.a.s.christenson@census.gov.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Data Integration Division, Small Area Estimates Branch
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