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December 11, 2007

Guest Blog: Getting Your Foot in EPA’s Door

David Bend My name is Dave Bend, I work for EPA’s National Center For Environmental Innovation. As a recent graduate of the EPA Intern Program (EIP), Deputy Administrator Peacock asked me to discuss how EPA is expanding its leadership pipeline. I am going to focus on entry-level opportunities at the Agency, with a special emphasis on the EIP (bias acknowledged).

Prior to joining EPA, I was a teacher in Texas’ Rio Grande Valley. I distinctly remember walking by EPA’s Headquarters on a summer vacation and wondering, “How can I work there? What does it take to get inside those doors?” I hope this posting helps those of you out there asking similar questions.

I was drawn to EPA because I found its mission—protecting human health and the environment—deeply compelling. What could be more challenging? What could be more rewarding? I have found that my EPA colleagues share a similar commitment to the agency’s mission. If you do as well, read on!

The crown jewel of the Agency’s professional development programs is the EIP (again, bias noted). As a participant in the EIP you have the opportunity to complete several rotations within EPA, as well as a two-month detail to one of EPA’s regions or laboratories.

I was hired by the National Center for Environmental Innovation’s Evaluation Support Division (ESD) in September 2005. I spent my first year at the Agency with ESD before rotating to the following offices:

Smart Growth
Clean Air Markets Division
• Government Accountability Office’s Applied Research and Methods Division (EIPs can complete rotations with states and other federal agencies)
• Region 9’s (San Francisco) Environmental Justice Program

As you can see, rotations allow you to witness the breadth of EPA’s work, while also providing an opportunity to develop an extensive network inside and outside of the Agency.

Although I am partial to the EIP program, there are also many other excellent ways to begin working for the agency including the: Presidential Management Fellowship Program, Student Career Experience Program and the Federal Career Intern Program. Additional entry-level opportunities are available here. Keep in mind that all of these options are in addition to positions posted on USAJOBS.

I hope this information helps turn your interest in working for EPA into a reality. Let me know when your start date is and I’ll meet you at the front door!


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