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August 03, 2007

Cool It

Last week EPA released an analysis of a climate change proposal offered by Senators Lieberman and McCain. Also last week, EPA Administrator Steve Johnson noted we have received over 60,000 comments regarding the State of California’s request for a federal waiver from the Clean Air Act to regulate greenhouse gasses from vehicles.

There is so much work going on regarding climate change it is hard to keep track of it all. At EPA and the Department of Transportation, for instance, significant work continues on the first federal rule to propose to regulate greenhouse gases. This rule would limit greenhouse gas emissions from new cars and trucks. All of this work should help the country meet the goal set out by the President in 2002 of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by over 500 million metric tons by 2012 compared to business as usual and his more recent goal of reducing gasoline usage by 20% over the next 10 years.

Regardless of all the government’s efforts and proposals, I believe it is the actions of individuals that will make the difference. Today, I challenge you to reduce your greenhouse gas emissions by at least 2% over the next year. First you need to set a baseline of where you are now using a carbon calculator.

Once you have a baseline, you need to set a target for yourself. For instance, I set out a goal this past year of a 5% reduction. I achieved my goal by: signing up for a green power program; taking the subway a little more often; and, finally, I purchased some additional Energy Star light bulbs for my home (I missed the closet lights on a previous sweep through the house). But there are many ways to reduce your footprint and EPA has some good suggestions if you need them.


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