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Source Directory Listings for Mississippi

bulletChoctaw Museum of the Southern Indian Gift Shop
PO Box 6010, Philadelphia, MS 39350
(5 mi west of Philadelphia on Hwy 16 West)
Tel: (601) 650-1685; (tribal enterprise)
Manager: Bob Ferguson (Choctaw)
Hours: 8am-4:30pm, Mon-Fri; 9am-4pm, Sat; 1-4pm, Sun

Products: Basketry of river cane, white oak; beadwork jewelry, combs, key rings, toothpick holders, salt & pepper shakers; moccasins; traditional Choctaw dresses and shirts by special order; Choctaw boy and girl dolls; quilts; pottery; stickball rackets and balls; blowguns; rabbit sticks. Special orders accepted. Mail order, retail. Send stamped self-addressed business-size envelope for price list.

bulletGrammy Mo’s Inc.
P.O. Box 7524, Gulfport, MS 39506-7524
Artisan/Owner: Captain Dan G. Romano (Mohegan)
E-mail: mohegan1@msn.com

Products:  Hand-crafted baskets with custom markings, unique to each customer, a signed description letter included.  Special orders accepted; no mail order.  Write or e-mail for further information.


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Indian Arts and Crafts Board
U.S. Department of Interior
1849 C. Street, N.W.
MS 2528-MIB
Washington, DC. 20240
Telephone: (202) 208-3773
Toll Free: (888) ART-FAKE
Fax: (202) 208-5196
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