: Office of Management
Current Section  Office Contacts



All of OM's organizations are focused on producing deliverables that support the President's Management Agenda, and the Department's Strategic Plan and Management Initiatives. OM Services and staff are major contributors to the Department's culture of accountability and to the promotion of department-wide performance and results. Below you will find useful information about various services and functions we provide that support our commitment to management excellence.

Human Resources Services (HRS) provides leadership and direction in the formulation and implementation of policies and programs to promote efficient and effective human resources management, labor relations, training and development and work/life programs. HRS represents the Department on personnel matters with the Office of Personnel Management (OPM), the Congress, other Federal agencies, and the public. Acting Director: Winona Varnon

The Office of Hearings and Appeals (OHA) provides independent forums for the impartial, fair, equitable, and timely resolution of disputes involving the U.S. Department of Education and recipients of federal education funds. Director: Frank Furey

Facilities and Management Services (FMS) provides the highest quality physical work environment. Plans, establishes, directs, controls, and implements policies, standards, and procedures governing all aspects of the following functions: space planning and management, facility management, property management and inventory. FMS provides a wide variety of administrative services and is responsible for planning, establishing, directing, controlling, and implementing policy, standards, and procedures governing all aspects of the following functions: motor vehicle and transportation operations, shuttle services, parking services, mail services, health services, photocopy services, the workers' compensation program, transit benefits, and the Help Desk.

FMS also administers the Federal Real Property Assistance Program, a statutorily mandated program (The Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949, as amended (P.L. 81-152) that conveys surplus Federal real estate to educational institutions and monitors and enforces compliance after conveyance. Brochure: How to Acquire Surplus Federal Real Property for Educational Purposes download files PDF [4.27 MB] Director: Victoria Bateman

Security Services (SS) oversees the Department's physical, personnel, and classified information security programs. SS works with other ED organizations, the Federal Protective Service, and other local and Federal enforcement organizations to assure the safety and security of the Department's many buildings, its classified information, and its employees. It coordinates with the Chief Information Officer in assuring the security of ED's computer hardware and information systems. SS is responsible for the development and maintenance of the Department's Continuity of Operations Plan. Director: Winona Varnon

The Executive Office develops, coordinates, and implements all internal administrative matters relating to OM such as personnel, budget, financial management, contracts, facilities, and support services. It is also responsible for oversight of the Administrative Communications System, the organization control and delegations of authority systems, and the Department's interagency agreements. Executive Officer: David Cogdill

The Human Capital Management Staff (HCMS) provides leadership and direction in developing, coordinating, and overseeing the implementation and administration of the Department’s human capital management initiatives. The partnerships with Human Resources Services (HRS), Equal Employment Opportunity Services (EEOS) and the Principal Offices serve to provide data for HCMS quantitative analysis of the efficient and effective merit systems principle efforts used to attract, recruit, develop, and retain a high-quality, productive workforce for the Department. More information on the various human capital plans, employee surveys, and reports can be found on the Human Capital Management Initiatives web page at: http://connected/index.cfm?navid=1007. Director: Debra Bennett

Regulatory and Information Management Services (RIMS) provides leadership, oversight, and coordination to ensure Departmental compliance with government initiatives regarding the acquisition, release and maintenance of information. In particular, this relates to the following activities within the Department of Education: Freedom of Information Act (FOIA); Privacy Act; Information Collection; and Records Retention and Management. RIMS is responsible for providing policies, standards, and procedures that ensure ED complies with governmental information management requirements in the above areas. In addition, RIMS provides instruction to assure that customers are educated and supported in the performance of these efforts. Director: Lee Eiden

Equal Employment Opportunity Services (EEOS) develops and administers the Department-wide programs of equal employment. EEOS is responsible for developing policies and programs pertaining to special services (minorities, women, and persons with disabilities). This includes providing direction and leadership to the Department's diverse affirmative action program, complaint processing procedures, diversity and other related equal opportunity missions of the Department. Acting Director: Frank Furey

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Last Modified: 05/07/2009