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April 10, 2008

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly: Correspondence

Time for another EPA performance follow-up. Last August I noted that we had done a tremendous job of being more responsive to letters we get from elected officials. Being responsive is important because it influences how well these officials are able to serve their constituents. It's also a reflection on whether EPA has its act together. It affects our rep.


We try and respond to all letters from Senators, Congressmen and Governors within two weeks.  (Very complicated requests, like requests for lots of documents, are excluded.) When we started measuring this in early 2006 we typically had about 60 letters overdue in any given week. In less than four months we reduced that to zero - no letters overdue!

It's been seven months since we last checked in. Did we let our guard down?

No! We're keeping it down near zero. Congratulations to everyone for making it a habit. In the world of the good, the bad and the ugly, this one is very good.


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I think this is an example of the old management adage "What gets measured gets done".

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