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HHS Community Health Status Indicators
Download key health indicators reports for United States counties.

Contact Info
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Community Health and Program Services (CHAPS)
4770 Buford Hwy, NE
MS K–30
Atlanta, GA 30341-3717



CHAPS Publications

Pdf cover The Power to Reduce Health Disparities: Voices from REACH Communities
(pdf icon PDF–1.6Mb)
These profiles from all 40 REACH 2010 funded partners highlight their successes and unique contributions for addressing health disparities at the community level.

A limited number of this publication can be ordered.


PDF cover REACHing Across the Divide: Finding Solutions to Health Disparities
(pdf icon PDF–2Mb)
These case studies from several REACH 2010 funded partners demonstrate how they worked with their communities to obtain optimal health for community members by engaging local leaders and organizations, forging partnerships, and recognizing cultural influence and historical legacies.

A limited number of this publication can be ordered.

REACH Success DVD Cover REACH: Success Stories from our Communities Educational Video and Facilitator’s Guide
This powerful DVD features four successful REACH 2010 funded partners discussing health disparities among a range of racial and ethnic communities including African American, Latino, Native American and Asian. The accompanying facilitator’s guide can be used with the video presentation to moderate a group discussion with community groups, public health professionals, students and others.

A limited number of this publication can be ordered.

CHAPS Articles

Page last reviewed: August 26, 2008
Page last modified: September 4, 2008
Content source: Division of Adult and Community Health, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion

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