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Pleasant Valley Branch Stream Restoration Project, Wisconsin
Midwest Region, August 1, 2008
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The Wisconsin Dane County Land and Water Resources Department completed a habitat restoration project on Pleasant Valley Branch, located in the upper Pecatonica River watershed, this past fall. Dane County received $15,000 through the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s National Fish Habitat Action Plan Program to help restore 2.2 miles of Pleasant Valley Branch. Dane County is working with the Driftless Area Restoration Effort (DARE), a nationally recognized fish habitat partnership led by Trout Unlimited to coordinate stream restoration efforts and upland conservation practices to reduce sediment and nutrient inputs to streams and improve habitat conditions for native fish species.  Pleasant Valley is 5 miles in length and is currently listed on the EPA 303(d) list for degraded habitat due to sedimentation from overgrazing and lack of in-stream habitat. However, the stream is capable of supporting a coldwater fishery.  Extensive habitat work has been completed on the stream since 2003 through efforts of Dane County, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WI DNR) and landowners throughout the watershed.  USDA Farm Bill Programs such as the Wildlife Habitat Improvement Program (WHIP), Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP) and the state’s Targeted Runoff Management Program have helped fund these improvement projects.

Work at Pleasant Valley began in the summer of 2007. The 2-mile project area consisted of several reaches with wide, shallow channels with little flow, resulting in silt settling over gravel substrate, providing little habitat for invertebrates and fish.  In-stream and riparian rehabilitation in conjunction with upland conservation practices have reduced sediment inputs to the stream and will likely provide long-term ecological effects.  The 2007 project involved removing woody vegetation (invasive boxelder trees) in the project area, stabilizing eroding streambanks, constructing and installing LUNKER structures to provide overhead bank cover for trout and seeding banks with native vegetation.  Fish response to these habitat improvements on Pleasant Valley has been positive.  The fish community has shifted from a warmwater community to a coldwater fishery dominated by mottled sculpin, American brook lamprey and brown trout.  Dane County and the WI DNR will continue to monitor water temperature and fish communit y health.  If stream conditions at Pleasant Valley Branch continue to improve as anticipated, the WI DNR and Dane County will propose to remove the site from its list of impaired waters.

Contact Info: Louise Mauldin, 573/876-1911, x118,

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