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Attwater Prairie Chicken NWR - January 2009
Southwest Region, January 31, 2009
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Of the 286 record-number of captive-bred Attwater's prairie chickens (APC) released in 2008 at three release sites, more than 40% of them are still alive. About 48% are still alive at the Attwater Prairie Chicken NWR; 23% at the Texas City Prairie Preserve; and, 45% on private ranch land in Goliad County. This release has been very similar in survival results to date when compared to the 2007 release. 

Thanks to the Balcones Canyonlands NWR fire crew about 1,200 acres have been prescribe burned on APC NWR so far this winter season. An additional 800+ acres are still planned if weather conditions allow it prior to March 1. Prescribed burns are conducted to improve refuge habitats.


Contact Info: Terry Rossignol, (979)234-3021, ext. 13,

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