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SACRAMENTO NWR: Partner-Funded Goose Display Dedicated
California-Nevada Offices , January 17, 2009
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Brad McGeoghegan of Glenn County Fish, Game and Recreation Commission cuts the ribbon opening the new display. He is assisted by (from left) Magella Niblack, Jamie Millen, vice president, Willows Chamber of Commerce,  Charles Withuhn, Signs & Graphic Design, Monica Hutson-Throm (president, Willows Chamber of Commerce, Kevin Foerster, refuge project leader, and Malachy Millen. (photo: USFWS)
Brad McGeoghegan of Glenn County Fish, Game and Recreation Commission cuts the ribbon opening the new display. He is assisted by (from left) Magella Niblack, Jamie Millen, vice president, Willows Chamber of Commerce,  Charles Withuhn, Signs & Graphic Design, Monica Hutson-Throm (president, Willows Chamber of Commerce, Kevin Foerster, refuge project leader, and Malachy Millen. (photo: USFWS)

by Jennifer Stockton, Sacramento NWR
Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) staff and local Chamber of Commerce representatives were joined by more than 50 visitors in celebrating the ribbon cutting for the new Snow and Ross’s Goose display at the Refuge.

The display illustrates the differences between two goose species found on the refuge: Snow and Ross’s geese.  How to identify the specific species is on of the most commonly asked questions by visitors. The display consists of a series of goose mounts and a map of their migration routes, showing that they travel from as far away as Alaska, Russia and Canada.

There were a couple of local contributors that made this display possible: Glenn County Fish, Game and Recreation Commission (GCFGRC) and Sutter County Fish and Game Advisory Commission. Brad McGeoghegan of the GCFGRC did the honor of “cutting the ribbon” during the event.


Along with the two commissions, a local design shop, Signs and Graphic Design, was also recognized for their outstanding production of the flyway migration route map.


"We are extremely grateful to our partners in Glenn and Sutter counties for funding the exhibit, which will help refuge visitors learn more about these geese," said Refuge Project Leader Kevin Foerster. “

The new display is located in the visitor center of the Sacramento NWR, which is open 9 a.m . to 4 p.m. seven days a week through February, then Monday – Friday until the next goose migration starts in November. For imore nformation, call 530-934-2801

Contact Info: Jennifer Stockton, 530-934-2801 x15,

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