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Stockton FWO Provides Assistance to our Partners in Developing Increased Capacity for Conserving Threatened Species
California-Nevada Offices , June 27, 2008
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Newly constructed delta smelt facility. (USFWS photo: Paul Micklos)
Newly constructed delta smelt facility. (USFWS photo: Paul Micklos)

Paul Miklos, Stockton FWO

The Fish Conservation and Culture Laboratory (FCCL) in Byron, California,was established in 1993 in response to a decline in numbers of delta smelt (Hypromesus transpacificus). The FCCL focuses its research on reproduction of delta smelt, a threatened, fish found only in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Estuary.  The objective of the FCCL is to spawn successive generations, study delta smelt physiology, maximize genetic diversity, and establish genetic pedigree of the delta smelt The Stockton Fish and Wildlife Office (FWO) was asked to assist in the construction of a new delta smelt refuge facility in collaboration with the University of California-Davis FCCL.  


Paul Miklos, a biological science technician with the Stockton FWO, volunteered to assist in construction of recirculation systems for larval and juvenile delta smelt. In addition, Paul assisted with the construction and painting of large-scale supports to hold larval and juvenile tanks, the construction of intake spray bars and retention screens, and the preparation and plumbing of the main water distribution lines.

Both systems were completed in time for the 2008 spawning season.  This construction has helped the facility expand its capacity and increase the ability of the facility to better manage the genetic diversity of this endangered species.


 During his four month detail, Paul also participated in the daily maintenance aspects of the hatchery. He assisted with daily water-quality control, tank cleaning, and was able to assist and observe the spawning processes of delta smelt.  He also assisted in a mark-recapture study that conducted by the Fish and Wildlife Service in conjunction with the California Department of Fish and Game. Paul was pleased that he was given the opportunity to help with such an ecologically important species. He learned a lot about the construction processes of a hatchery facility and the complicated rearing of juvenile delta smelt.  Staff at the FCCL were grateful for the assistance and appreciated Paul’s willingness to work and dedication to the variety of tasks that were asked of him. Hopefully the cooperation between agencies will continue to benefit this and other threatened and endangered species.

Contact Info: Paul Cadrett, 209-946-6400 x 312,

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