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GIS Training for Fish Biologists
Midwest Region, September 22, 2008
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This month I attended “GIS Use for Aquatic Resources Management.”  This class, offered at the National Conservation Training Center (NCTC), was designed to teach aquatic resource managers about specific ArcMap tools and techniques that will streamline data analysis and mapping.  It was a week long course taught by West Virginia University professor, Dr. Mike Strager, in conjunction with Jed Wright from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  Although presentations were given to introduce many topics, the majority of class time was spent getting hands-on experience with ArcMap.  Topics covered everything from basic geoprocessing (building maps with GIS layers) to watershed connectivity and habitat suitability modeling.  The most interesting presentation, relating specifically to my current work, was about analyzing fish passage barriers in a given watershed.  This class helped improve my ability to use ArcMap effectively and will translate well into my work at Columbia National Fish and Wildlife Conservation Office.

Contact Info: Brian Elkington, (573) 445-5001 ext 25,

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