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Copy Of 2008 Open House
Midwest Region, August 6, 2008
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The Iron River National Fish Hatchery hosted its fourth annual Open House on August 9th, 2008.  This years’ event brought in over 100 visitors.  While the event draws quite a contingent of locals, visitors from Florida to Arizona, and as far away as Germany were in attendance.   Guests could view the entire facility with knowledgeable staff on hand to give tours and demonstrations and to answer any questions on hatchery practices and the life cycle of lake trout and brook trout.  Feature displays included a 10 gallon aquarium with lake trout fingerlings and a tub of anesthetized brood lake trout and brook trout for up close and personal viewing, and a fin-clipping/fish tagging station.  Also on hand for viewing were egg incubation equipment, a fish loader and distribution trucks.   When it was all said and done, tourists could enjoy lemonade, coffee and cookies and chew on all that they had learned during the days’ events. 

Partnerships are the cornerstone to any successful operation and the Iron River National Fish Hatchery Open House is no exception.  Joining the Iron River staff this year was Tim Smigielski (and son Luke) from the Jordan River National Fish Hatchery, Darla Wenger (and husband Paul) from Genoa National Fish Hatchery and Becky Lassee and Ken Phillips from the Lacrosse Fish Health Laboratory.  Each group had informative booths, hands on displays, pamphlets and take home souvenirs.  Guests could learn about mussels, exotic species, fish health processes as well as the procedures at two national hatcheries.

This years’ open house utilized old alliances but the creation of a new partnership is under-way.  Stopping by the open house this year was Northwest Passage, an outreach group for young men.  Dialogue is underway to develop a work unit for small maintenance projects on hatchery grounds.

Next years’ open house planning is in progress with hopes for new collaborations and partnerships to add to the agenda to round out another successful event.

Contact Info: Midwest Region Public Affairs, 612-713-5313,

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