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New Mexico Ecological Services Field Office Meets with Mexico Officials to Develop a Mexican Wolf Reintroduction Program in Mexico. Author: Wally Murphy, NMESFO Field Supervisor
Southwest Region, September 5, 2008
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On August 6, 2008, NMESFO Field Supervisor and the New Mexico State Administrator met with Lesardo Cruz Romo, Comiscion Nacional de Areas Naturales Protegidas (Commission of Natural Protected Areas) (CONANP), Mexico in El Paso, Texas.  The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the possible assistance of the Mexican Wolf Recovery Program in the development and execution of a Mexican wolf reintroduction program in Mexico.

CONANP has evaluated over 10 potential release sites in the Sierra Madre Occidental.  They have narrowed the possible reintroduction sites to four, with the site closest to the Blue Range Wolf Recovery Area as their preferred site. These areas include numerous natural areas and other protected areas.  Mr. Romo requested assistance with; construction of soft release pens; construction and management of pre-release facilities similar to the one at Sevilletta NWR; and radio telemetry monitoring, capture techniques, and handling and management of wild wolves.  Accommodating this request will require program personnel to train Mexican biologists here in the states as well as in Mexico.

Contact Info: Nicole Haskett, 505-248-6457gov,

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