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140 Acres Added to the Rappahannock River Valley National Wildlife Refuge
Northeast Region, September 18, 2008
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Rappahannock River Valley National Wildlife Refuge grew by 139.5 acres with the purchase of a conservation easement on September 18, 2008.  This brings the total refuge area to 8,191 acres, of which 1,661 acres are in conservation easement status.  This easement is adjacent to the existing Menokin easement held by the refuge, creating a more cohesive block of protected habitat.  It is located in the Cat Point Creek drainage, which is among the highest priorities in the refuge's land protection plan.  The marshes and adjoining uplands of Cat Point Creek are vitally important for migratory birds, especially the bald eagle, and the creek is used by anadromous fish such as herring and alewife.  Over 140 bald eagles were observed on Cat Point Creek in a single day in February 2007.  Carryover dollars from the Land and Water Conservation Fund were used to purchase the easement.

Contact Info: Joe McCauley, 804.333.1470,

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