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Middle Basin Pallid Sturgeon Workgroup Summer Meeting
Midwest Region, September 8, 2008
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The Middle Basin Pallid Sturgeon Workgroup in Blue Springs, Mo., this August to coordinate recovery activities for pallid sturgeon in the Missouri River below Gavin’s Point Dam.  The summer meeting was held to deal with a number of issues that resulted from broodstock collection efforts which occurred in the spring and questions about stocking locations in the Missouri River below Gavin’s Point Dam.  The Middle Basin Workgroup has been chaired by Dr. Tracy Hill of the Columbia National Fish and Wildlife Conservation Office (NFWCO) since 2004, under new operating procedures adopted by the workgroup this position will change every two years.  Gerald Mestl of Nebraska Game and Parks Commission stepped up to chair the committee and the transfer occurred at the summer meeting. The group spent sometime discussing how decisions would be made by the workgroup under the new operating procedures and how the subcommittees making those decisions would be populated.  In addition to these issues much time was spent discussing broodstock collection efforts from the current year and what things needed to be changed to improve those efforts for the coming season.  Time was also spent discussing pallid sturgeon research priorities for the middle basin.  This information is needed by the Recovery Team that will be working on an updated version of the recovery plan for pallid sturgeon.

Contact Info: Tracy Hill, 573-234-2132 x102,

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