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Genoa NFH and Dairyland Power Cooperative Combine to Provide Outdoor Recreational Opportunities
Midwest Region, September 3, 2008
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Dairyland Power Representative John Thiel (far left) speaks at check presentation to Service Director Dale Hall(far right)at Genoa in August. photo by Mary Stefanski
Dairyland Power Representative John Thiel (far left) speaks at check presentation to Service Director Dale Hall(far right)at Genoa in August. photo by Mary Stefanski

Dairyland Power Cooperative of Genoa, Wis., recently awarded a $12,000 grant to the Genoa National Fish Hatchery  to construct and install a handicapped accessible fishing pier located at one of the hatchery ponds.  The pond will then be kept stocked with fish to allow people with disabilities to enjoy a quality outdoor fishing experience overlooking the bluffs of the Mississippi River.  The pier will also allow the station to expand its annual kids fishing day, a great hit with children ages 6-12.  Each May a hatchery pond is made available and stocked with rainbow trout for children to learn how to fish and enjoy quality time in the outdoors with a parent or guardian.  The acquisition of the dock will allow more fishing area for more than 150 children and their guardians to safely enjoy the event.  U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Director Dale Hall was on hand at the Genoa station to accept the check from Dairyland Power Environmental Program Representative John Thiel. 

Director Hall stated, "It takes all of us working together to pass on a conservation legacy to our children, and to help all Americans have an opportunity to enjoy the outdoors.  Dairyland's gift is an object lesson of how working together, we can partner together to make a lasting impact on the next generation of conservation stewards, and be inclusive in sharing outdoor opportunities for everyone."   Specifications are now being distributed to various vendors and it is planned that the acquisition and placement of the dock will occur by next spring. 

Contact Info: Doug Aloisi, 608-689-2605,

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