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REGION 8: Poster Showcases Employee Support of Region's Children Nature Initatives
California-Nevada Offices , July 30, 2008
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Region 8 employees embody the spirit of the Service's
Region 8 employees embody the spirit of the Service's "Connecting People With Nature" initiative. This poster will soon hang in every office throughout the region.

Erica Szlosek, External Affairs
For the past six months, Region 8’s Connecting People with Nature Team has been working together to define the region’s approach to incorporating more nature opportunities for the millions of people who live and work within California, Nevada and the Klamath Basin.


To invigorate employees and “share the spark,” team member Shannon Stutzer-Smith, Deputy Project Leader at the Humboldt Bay National Wildlife Refuge Complex, had an idea to highlight the many Service employees who have been inspired by nature their entire lives. Her idea was to create a poster showcasing the region’s employees enjoying the outdoors as children.


The Team unveiled the prototype poster this month and will soon feature it throughout the region’s offices.

Contact Info: Erica Szlosek, 916-978-6159,

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