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Outreach - Iroquois National WildlifeRefugeParticipates in Lower Great Lakes Fisheries Resource Office's Fish and Wildlife Festival.
Northeast Region, June 7, 2008
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On June 7, the Iroquois NWR staffed a booth at the USFWS Lower Great Lakes Fisheries Resource Office's  annual Fish and Wildlife Festival and Youth Fishing Derby. Over 250 children participated in the Youth Fishing Derby.  There were various displays at the Festival and children could complete a scavenger hunt by visiting each of the displays. The refuge exhibited a display about Iroquois NWR and the Friends of Iroquois NWR. Over 700 people visited the refuge display and received Iroquois NWR frisbees, magnets, temporary tattoos, and the refuge information. The kids enjoyed the frisbees as many were passed around in the park!

Contact Info: Thomas Roster, 585/ 948-5445,

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