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Service Biologist Addresses League of Women Voters
Midwest Region, May 12, 2008
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Fishery Biologist Aaron Woldt of the Alpena National Fish and Wildlife Conservation Office (NFWCO) was invited to speak at the May meeting of the League of Women Voters of Alpena County on May 12.  The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan organization established to encourage citizen participation in government activities.  Woldt gave a 40 minute long PowerPoint presentation titled “Exotic Species in the Alpena Area—What You Can Do To Help” that included descriptions and suspected origins of the numerous exotic species in the Alpena area (zebra and quagga mussels, purple loosestrife, Eurasian watermilfoil, round goby, Eurasian ruffe, spiny waterflea, rusty crayfish, VHS) and descriptions of potential new invaders (Asian carp, snakehead, fishhook water flea) on the horizon.  Woldt also discussed current regulatory, legislative, and community based efforts (e.g. voluntary codes of conduct) to control the introduction and spread of exotic species in Michigan and the Great Lakes.

Approximately 30-35 local community members attended the presentation.  Woldt fielded questions from the floor regarding exotic species and Service and federal legislative efforts to limit the introduction and spread of exotic invaders.  Woldt’s presentation was well received, and many League members expressed thanks for the high quality of information provided. 

Contact Info: Midwest Region Public Affairs, 612-713-5313,

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