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North Country Trail Clean Up in the Jordan River Valley
Midwest Region, April 19, 2008
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The trail cleanup crew posing for a picture at the foot bridge.  Photo by Peg Myers
The trail cleanup crew posing for a picture at the foot bridge. Photo by Peg Myers
The kids removing a large branch from the trail.  Photo by Peg Myers
The kids removing a large branch from the trail. Photo by Peg Myers

In honor of Earth Day on April 19th, the Jordan River National Friends Group, East Jordan Boy Scouts, Jordan River National Fish Hatchery and Green Bay National Fish and Wildlife Conservation Office teamed up to clear the North Country trail.  The North Country trail runs along the beautiful Jordan River just below the hatchery, and was adopted by the Friends Group several years ago to maintain and ready for summer hikers. 

Friends Group members Jon Sumner and Peg Myers led the charge by organizing the annual event.  Approximately 30 people cleared the 2.5 mile trail along the Jordan River.  Scouts removed large branches and twigs from the path as they made their way to the foot bridge across a feeder stream to the river.  There were several stops along the way to explain the trail markers, scat found along the trail, and eat the delicious snacks provided. 

Hatchery staff oversaw the lunch for the tired and hungry trail clearers.  Jon Sumner prepared his famous bean dish and hobo stew that is becoming an annual favorite, while Peg Myers brought all the ingredients for ice cream creations, to the joy of the kids.  Hot dogs and goldfish crackers rounded out the menu.  A great time in the woods was had by all, especially the kids.

Contact Info: Midwest Region Public Affairs, 612-713-5313,

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