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Coordination with Mexico on Shared Species at Risk in the Arizona-Sonora Region
Southwest Region, March 14, 2008
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Arizona Ecological Services, Sonoran Joint Venture (SJV), Arizona Game and Fish Department (AGFD), and Phoenix Zoo staff participated in a meeting with Mexican partners in Hermosillo, Sonora, to discuss shared species at risk in the Arizona-Sonora Region.  The meeting was organized by the Mexico City Comisión Nacional de Áreas Naturales Protegidas (CONANP; National Commission of Natural Protected Areas) office.  Other participants included representatives from the Mexico City Dirección General de Vida Silvestre (DGVS; Wildlife Department) and Instituto Nacional de Ecología (INE; National Institute of Ecology) offices, as well as from local CONANP offices, the Comisión de Ecología y Desarrollo Sustentable del Estado de Sonora (CEDES; Commission of Ecology and Sustainable Development of Sonora), and Mexican universities and non-governmental conservation organizations.  The goal of the meeting was to identify shared species at risk in the region, priority recovery actions for those species, potential funding sources to accomplish the actions, and potential parties responsible for implementing the actions.  CONANP presented information on their conservation program for species at risk (PROCER; Programa de Conservación de Especies en Riesgo) which focuses on recovery of 25 priority species at risk by 2012 through the implementation of Programas de Acción para la Conservación de Especies (PACE) or species conservation action plans.  Our office, SJV, and AGFD jointly presented information on proposed or on-going projects for priority shared species at risk in the Arizona-Sonora region.  CONANP primarily plans to focus their conservation efforts in the region on five priority species including jaguar, Mexican wolf, sea turtles, vaquita, and the golden eagle, as well as on any species within the region that is included on the list of 25 additional priority species, such as pronghorn (the list has not yet been finalized).  Although CONANP does not consider the masked bobwhite within their initial list of priority species, they are willing to coordinate, develop and implement conservation actions for the species after learning about its critical situation. They will also support conservation efforts for other species or groups of species in the region, such as the flat-tailed horned lizard, aquatic herpetofauna, and desert native fishes.  The meeting results will be presented at the Trilateral Committee for Wildlife and Ecosystem Conservation Meeting in 2008. 

Contact Info: Martin Valdez, 505-248-6599,

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