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Attwater Prairie Chicken NWR - Monthly Staff Notes - January 2008
Southwest Region, January 31, 2008
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Of the 175 record-number of captive-bred Attwater's prairie chickens (APC) released in 2007 at three release sites, more than 40% of them are still alive.  About 48% are still alive at the Attwater Prairie Chicken NWR; 16% at the Texas City Prairiie Preserve; and, 44% on  private ranch land in Goliad County.  This release has been a little better than average when compared to other years.  Refuge personnel are still radio tracking 5 birds from previous releases including 3 from 2006, 1 from 2005, and 1 from 2004.





Contact Info: Martin Valdez, 505-248-6599,

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