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Sea Lamprey Barrier Operation and Maintenance During 2007
Midwest Region, December 1, 2007
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The Sea Lamprey Management program has recently revised its barrier strategy to increase focus in ensuring effective operation and maintenance of existing sea lamprey barriers in the Great Lakes.  As more emphasis is placed on alternative controls, ensuring effective operation at sea lamprey barriers will be important to the sea lamprey program.


The Fish and Wildlife Service conducts several types of inspections at sea lamprey barriers at various times of the year.  In the spring, inspections are conducted to ensure that all gates and stop logs are in place prior to sea lamprey migration.  Thirteen pre-migration inspections were conducted during 2007 (Lake Superior – 3, Lake Michigan – 6, Lake Huron – 4).  There were five seasonal sea lamprey barriers operated during 2007 by utilizing stop logs or electrical fields (Lake Superior – 1, Lake Michigan – 1, Lake Huron – 3). 


Maintenance and safety inspections are also conducted at sea lamprey barrier sites each year.  During 2007, 18 sea lamprey barriers were inspected for maintenance and/or safety concerns (Lake Superior – 5, Lake Michigan – 8, Lake Huron – 5).  The only concerns noted were the Miners and Middle rivers on Lake Superior. 


Plans are currently in place on the Miners River to repair an area of the barrier where lamprey are able to migrate upstream during 2008.  The Middle River is effectively blocking lamprey, but the stop logs and barrier lip are in need of repair.  Plans are in place to work with Wisconsin DNR personnel to complete those repairs during 2008. 


Additionally, water level data is being collected at several barrier locations throughout the Great Lakes to monitor barrier performance.  During 2007, water level data was monitored at 13 sea lamprey barriers (Lake Superior – 5, Lake Michigan – 4, Lake Huron – 4). 


The sea lamprey management program continues to work closely with partners to control populations of sea lampreys in tributaries of the Great Lakes to protect the fishery and related economic activities in the basin (an estimated annual benefit of $4-6 billion/year to the region). 


The Service delivers a program of integrated sea lamprey control in the U.S. waters of the Great Lakes in partnership with the Great Lakes Fishery Commission.

Contact Info: Jessica Doemel, 906-226-1241,

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