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Genoa NFH Upgrades Coaster Egg Incubator
Midwest Region, December 14, 2007
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A new recirculating egg incubation system was constructed at the Genoa National Fish Hatchery (NFH) to facilitate coaster brook trout production.  The new system incorporates a chiller which allows for the manipulation of the egg incubation temperature. 

Slowing the growth rate of some egg lots is especially important during the start of the coaster brook trout production cycle at Genoa NFH.  Brook trout eggs are taken throughout the entire spawning season at Iron River NFH in order to ensure genetic conservation of the brook trout strains.  The eggs are then shipped to Genoa NFH in late December through early January.  

At this time, the growth rate of the early egg lots is slowed by chilling the water, while later lots are allowed to catch up developmentally over a period of a month.  This process allows the entire brook trout production lot to be pooled together, resulting in an increased efficiency of time and space as well as reducing cannibalism and therefore increasing survival.

Cost was kept to a minimum by using existing materials, including the pump and chiller from the previous system, and by constructing the system in house by using the talents of Jeff Lockington to weld the aluminum frame and water reservoirs.  It’s estimated that a similar system would have cost $6,300 if the system would have been bought new, but by using the above cost savings methods the price was about $2,200 including staff labor.  The main expense for the project was the purchase of two new MariSource vertical egg incubators.

Coaster brook trout produced at Genoa NFH are part of an ongoing Great Lakes multi-agency restoration effort involving the Fish and Wildlife Service, National Park Service and the states of Wisconsin, Minnesota and Michigan. The "coaster" strain of brook trout is endemic to the Great Lakes and other drainages along the Atlantic coast. The species is threatened due to over-fishing, competition with non-native species, and habitat loss throughout its range.

Each year, Genoa NFH distributes thousands of brook trout to restore populations along the northern shores of Lake Superior. Genoa's 2008 production of “brookies” is scheduled to include 30,000+ stockable fish ranging in size from 2" to 9", and also to provide a backup brood source for the Iron River NFH.

Contact Info: Nick Starzl, 608-689-2605,

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