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Coded-Wire-Tags Extracted
Midwest Region, November 30, 2007
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 During the month of November 2007, Fishery Biologist Adam Kowalski extracted and read coded-wire-tags (CWTs) from lake trout. CWTs are microscopic metal tags placed in the snouts of juvenile lake trout at the hatchery.  Kowalski looked at Alpena NFWCO lake trout caught during the lake whitefish fishery independent survey and fall lake trout assessment in Lake Huron. Kowalski also removed tags from lake trout sampled by the Chippewa Ottawa Resource Authority (CORA). 

CWTs are extracted by cutting lake trout snouts into smaller and smaller pieces until the tag can be seen and removed, then read under a microscope.  Each tag’s unique number can then be compared to stocking records to yield information such as stocking location, stocking date, fish age, fish strain, and hatchery of origin.

In total, Kowalski removed and read 300 tags from approximately 325 heads. Not all adipose clipped lake trout contain CWTs because some lake trout shed their tag and others experience fin regeneration that masks original multiple clip sequences.  Additional lake trout heads will be received from Bay Mills Indian Community (BMIC) and the Michigan DNR creel program.  These heads will be processed when received.

Contact Info: Midwest Region Public Affairs, 612-713-5313,

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