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Fisheries Field Day for Lincoln FW Students.
Midwest Region, October 10, 2007
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Fish Biologist Andy Starostka demonstrates how to remove a sturgeon from a trammel net to students from Lincoln University.
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Fish Biologist Andy Starostka demonstrates how to remove a sturgeon from a trammel net to students from Lincoln University.

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Fish biologist Nick Utrup shows students from Lincoln Universtiy how to seine in the Missouri River. 
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Fish biologist Nick Utrup shows students from Lincoln Universtiy how to seine in the Missouri River.

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Dr. Adrian Andrei contacted the Columbia NFWCO to determine if the office could assist him in demonstrating fisheries techniques to his Fisheries and Wildlife Management class. 

Andrei is an associate professor at Lincoln University in Jefferson City, Mo specializing in Ornathology.  The Columbia NFWCO has worked to augment their small fisheries and wildlife program with professional mentoring and development of students for several years. 

Staff from the NFWCO linked up with a dozen students from the class to demonstrate basic fisheries techniques employed in sampling fish populations.  Three stations were set up for the students to rotate through. 

The first station, taught by Fish Biologist Nick Utrup, offered a glimpse at several entrapment techniques like fyke nets and hoop nets and the active technique of seining. 

Station two, instructed by Fish Biologist Andy Starostka, demonstrated entanglement gear such as gill nets and trammel nets and how they are used in both still water and moving waters.  The third station demonstrated electrofishing techniques and was taught by Fish Biologist Jeff Finley. 

Contact Info: Midwest Region Public Affairs, 612-713-5313,

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