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Woodcock Singing-Ground Surveyat Ashland FRO
Midwest Region, June 1, 2007
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Woodcock on a nest
- FWS photo
Woodcock on a nest

- FWS photo

The American woodcock is a popular game bird throughout eastern North America.  The management objective of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is to increase populations of woodcock to levels consistent with the demands of hunters and non-consumptive users.  Therefore, reliable annual population estimates are essential for woodcock management

As part of the North American Woodcock Singing Ground Survey, Ted Koehler and Gary Czypinski from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s Ashland Fishery Resources Office surveyed singing ground routes in Ashland and Bayfield counties in northern Wisconsin. 

The annual survey provides an index to the relative size of the woodcock breeding population and is the most important source of data used to guide the United States and Canadian woodcock programs.  Male woodcock give vocal calls described as “peents” and perform aerial displays called “flight songs” shortly after sunset as part of their courtship behavior.  The number of peenting males were recorded and the results entered into the national database.

Contact Info: Midwest Region Public Affairs, 612-713-5313,

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