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Lower Great Lakes Fisheries Resource Officeand Local Scouts Plant Trees at Dann Lake Town Park, Amherst, NY.
Northeast Region, April 14, 2007
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Lower Great Lakes Fishery Resources Office biologist Raymond Li and GIS specialist Chris Castiglione partnered with the Air and Waste Management Association - Niagara Frontier Section, Erie County Soil and Water Conservation District, Amherst Conservation Advisory Council, and local Girl Scout, Boy Scout and Cub Scout troops to plant trees at Dann Lake Town Park in Amherst NY.  Dann Lake Town Park is a 181-acre property recently acquired by the Town of Amherst, NY and protected as a passive recreation park.  Following a brief overview of the ecological benefits of trees and a demonstration of planting techniques by fisheries resource office staff, 75 scouts and parents planted over 300 seedlings and bare-rooted trees to restore one acre of wetlands and riparian habitat. Air and Waste Management Association - Earth Day grant and cost-share grants from the Lower Great Lakes Fisheries office provided funding for the project.  This is the project's 6th consecutive year with over 3,100 trees planted to protect water quality and improve wildlife habitat at Dann Lake Town Park.

Contact Info: Jennifer Lapis, (413) 253-8303,

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