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2006 Great Lakes Lake Sturgeon Coordination Meeting
Midwest Region, December 1, 2006
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Members of the Service’s Great Lakes Basin Ecosystem Team Lake Sturgeon Committee, with assistance from a steering committee of several partner representatives, held a third Great Lakes Lake Sturgeon Coordination meeting, November 29-30, 2006 in Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan. 


The purpose of the meeting is to provide a forum to foster communication and exchange of information relating to the study, management, and restoration of lake sturgeon in the Great Lakes basin, to address priority research and assessment needs, and to address selected emerging issues. 


More than 120 individuals attended the meeting representing 40 different entities including state, tribal/First Nation, federal and provincial governments, academic, private, and other NGOs.  Evaluation forms completed by participants were extremely positive and supportive of the meeting and indicated that attendees were very pleased with the presentations and opportunities for interpersonal interaction.


Fish biologists, Henry Quinlan and Jonathan Pyatskowit of the Ashland Fishery Resources Office contributed to the meeting.  Henry served as a member of the Service steering committee that lead the planning, organization and leadership of the Coordination Meeting. 


Planning and preparation for this meeting was conducted over a 9-month time period.  His workload varied commensurate with key deadlines, such as announcements, calls for papers, identification and invitation of invited speakers, and meeting responsibilities.  In addition, Quinlan prepared and gave a presentation during the Assessment Technology session of the workshop on the use of PIT tag technology for lake sturgeon rehabilitation in the Great Lakes.  He also led the breakout session meeting of the Lake Superior Lake Sturgeon Work Group.


Pyatskowit contributed to the meeting by handling the audiovisual duties for 25 PowerPoint and video presentations given during the meeting.  His professionalism and thoroughness ensured that all presentations functioned as expected and that presenters were at ease and familiar with the equipment prior to and during their presentations.

Contact Info: Midwest Region Public Affairs, 612-713-5313,

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