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Returning Wetlands to Tishomingo NWR
Southwest Region, February 28, 2007
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Cottonwood Pond Dam
Cottonwood Pond Dam
View from Cottonwood Dam
View from Cottonwood Dam
Shallow wetland from recent rainfall.
Shallow wetland from recent rainfall.
Numerous frogs have already moved into the area.
Numerous frogs have already moved into the area.

              The recent focus of Tishomingo NWR has been to return several important wetland areas to the refuge. The process has seen the development of several critical community partnerships that have resulted in the rehabilitation of Eagle Cove Tower Wetland (15 acres), 5C Dike Wetlands (5 acres), and now Cottonwood Pond (potentially more than 50 acres).

            The rehabilitation of these bottomland hardwood wetlands and shrub swamps has returned at least 70 acres to the refuge. Wetlands serve a crucial role in improving water quality, processing organic material, and reducing sediment. These areas are also high in productivity and species diversity with many upland creatures depending on the abundance of food found or produced in the wetlands.  

            Tishomingo Refuge Ecology and Education Society (TREES) continues to play a major role in the success of Tishomingo NWR by fostering partnerships, educating the public, and supporting refuge programs and goals.

            The wetlands project would not have been possible without the support of our partners: TREES, District Conservationist Randy Hall - NRCS- Johnston County Office, Biologist Terry Dupree – FWS Partners Program, and the Johnston County Commissioners. When we work together we all win.


Contact Info: Martin Valdez, 505-248-6599,

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