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Mingo National Wildlife Refuge Celebrates Eagle Days 2007
Midwest Region, February 2, 2007
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Viewing Eagles on Red Mill Drive, Mingo National Wildlife Refuge
- FWS photo by Vergial Harp
Viewing Eagles on Red Mill Drive, Mingo National Wildlife Refuge

- FWS photo by Vergial Harp

World Bird Sancturary Eagle Presentation at Mingo National Wildlife Refuge, Eagle Days.
- FWS photo by Vergial Harp
World Bird Sancturary Eagle Presentation at Mingo National Wildlife Refuge, Eagle Days.

- FWS photo by Vergial Harp

Mingo NWR hosted the bi-annual Eagle Day Event, February 2.  Although several schools rescheduled for later dates due to weather, more than 300 fourth-grade students and teachers took advantage of the bitter cold to view eagles in their natural habitat on the Refuge. 

Refuge staff and 36 volunteers along with naturalists from Missouri Department of Conservation ( a partner and co-sponsor of the event) assisted students with viewing eagles at several scope locations on Red Mill Drive and adjoining areas. 

Volunteers assisting with the event included Mingo Swamp Friends, Mingo Job Corps and students from Southeast Missouri State University.

Experiencing first-hand the mission of the National Wildlife Refuge System, students learned about eagles and the importance of the Refuge hacking program that began in 1981 and resulted in the fledging of more than 50 young eaglets.

Students also had the opportunity to get up close and learn about the perils and life histories of Liberty and Mariah, rehabilitated bald and golden eagles from the World Bird Sanctuary in St. Louis. 

Several other educational programs and exhibits were offered for viewing at the Refuge Visitor Center along with an art exhibit of the Jr. Duck Stamp winners for the State of Missouri. 

Contact Info: Midwest Region Public Affairs, 612-713-5313,

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