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Hatchery Staffs Plant Lakers of the Fall
Midwest Region, November 4, 2006
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Shore stocking of fall fingerling lake trout.
- FWS photo by Steve Redman 
Shore stocking of fall fingerling lake trout.

- FWS photo by Steve Redman 

Last Fall, the Iron River National Fish Hatchery, with assistance of staff from Pendills Creek and Jordan River National Fish Hatcheries, successfully planted approximately 383,000 fingerling lake trout.   


These fall fingerlings were reared at the Iron River hatchery in addition to the 1.2 million yearling production fish that will be stocked in the spring of 2007. 


The fish were loaded to trucks, transported and then stocked at dusk in several sites around Lake Michigan.


The stocking locations were determined with the assistance of the Green Bay Fisheries Resource Office.  These fall trout helped fulfill requirements set by the 2000 U.S. vs. MI Consent Decree and added to lake trout restoration efforts in Lake Michigan.

Contact Info: Midwest Region Public Affairs, 612-713-5313,

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