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Alpena FRO Joins Field Visits with Conservation Resource Alliance
Midwest Region, November 2, 2006
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Erosion site on township property located on the East Branch of the Maple River, Emmet County, Michigan. 
- Photo courtesy of CRA
Erosion site on township property located on the East Branch of the Maple River, Emmet County, Michigan.

- Photo courtesy of CRA

Biologist Heather Rawlings met with Chris Pierce of the Conservation Resource Alliance (CRA) on November 2.  The meeting took place at an erosion site on the East Branch of the Maple River, downstream from the University of Michigan Biological Station. 

The site is located on township property, and is a popular camping/fishing/access site.  The meeting was to discuss logistics during the repair, and future potential projects.  A permit has been received by CRA for the erosion work, but heavy fall precipitation has stalled construction plans. 

Plans include building an access stairway, and using a combination of biologs, tree revetments and rock rip-rap to stabilize the toe of the erosion site.  The upper portion of the site will be planted heavily with native grasses and brush in the spring of 2007.  

The East Branch of the Maple River is a coldwater system that supports several species of trout, including the native brook trout, and the federally endangered Hungerford’s crawling water beetle.   

Funding for the project is provided by the Service’s Fish Habitat Restoration program, the Frey Foundation of Grand Rapids, private landowners along the Maple River, and labor will be provided by the Miller Van Wrinkle Chapter of Trout Unlimited. 

Three additional erosion sites will be repaired on the Maple River during the 2007 field season, locations to be determined.

The CRA is a private, nonprofit organization based in Traverse City, Michigan, dedicated to maintaining the natural beauty and ecosystems of our land while simultaneously nurturing the economic vitality of northern Michigan. 

The Service has partnered with CRA since 2003 on habitat restoration projects in northern Michigan.

Contact Info: Midwest Region Public Affairs, 612-713-5313,

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