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Michigan Ornithological Congress Meeting includes State Action Plan and Joint Venture Planning Discussion
Midwest Region, September 23, 2006
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Partners within the Michigan Bird Conservation Initiative (MiBCI) recently organized a Michigan Ornithological Congress meeting.  The gathering occurred on 22-24 September at the University of Michigan Biological Station near Pellston, just south of the Mackinaw Bridge which separates the Upper and Lower Peninsulas.  Participants included state agency and FWS scientists, non-government conservation professionals, avid birders and other citizen stakeholders interested in birds.  A primary theme of the meeting was sharing information and updating the group on bird planning initiatives, with the State Action Plan and Joint Venture (JV) bird conservation plans being a focus of discussion.  Although these planning initiatives developed independently, they are complementary in many ways.  In addition, the State Action and JV plans will be revised periodically as implementation of habitat actions occur, the results are measured, and new research findings allow refinement of recommendations for goal achievement.  Even greater linkages between the two efforts will exist in the next iteration of both plans.  In addition to bird conservation plans, meeting presenters provided information about partner opportunities for involvement, important locations and reasons for targeting conservation effort, updates on bird surveys, new threats to bird populations, plus environmental initiatives that indirectly benefit birds. The relatively new MiBCI is off to a great start.  

Contact Info: Midwest Region Public Affairs, 612-713-5313,

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