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Hine's Emerald Dragonfly Volunteer Receives Service Award
Midwest Region, July 31, 2006
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Cathy Carnes, Green Bay Ecological Services Field Office, presents Amy Orleskie with a Service Volunteer Certificate of Appreciation for her GIS work to produce Hine's emerald dragonfly critical habitat maps. The presentation was made at a luncheon honoring her work.
- FWS photo
Cathy Carnes, Green Bay Ecological Services Field Office, presents Amy Orleskie with a Service Volunteer Certificate of Appreciation for her GIS work to produce Hine's emerald dragonfly critical habitat maps. The presentation was made at a luncheon honoring her work.

- FWS photo

Cathy Carnes from the Service's Green Bay Ecological Services Field Office, Wisconsin, presented Amy Orleskie with a Volunteer Certificate of Appreciation and cash award for her volunteer services in producing critical habitat maps for the Hine's emerald dragonfly. 

Orleskie is a graduate student at the University of Wisconsin - Green Bay and volunteer at the Green Bay office.  She worked more than 100 hours on the project using her GIS skills to help the Service meet a court-ordered deadline for development of a proposed rule to designate critical habitat for the dragonfly. 

Contact Info: Midwest Region Public Affairs, 612-713-5313,

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