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Jordan River Staff Move Lake Trout
Midwest Region, September 19, 2006
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The lake trout reared indoors since November, at Jordan River NFH, have been relocated.  Approximately 2.2 million fingerlings of three separate strains were moved to the outdoor raceways as of September 19. At this time in the rearing cycle, the fingerlings become too crowded to remain in the tank room.

The annual process went off without a hitch.  Many staff were involved, including STEP Student Chris Olds and volunteer Andy Pavelek.  Wayne Talo, Paul Haver Denise Johnston, John Johnston and Tim Smigielski all participated in the move. 

The lake trout will remain in the outdoor raceways until they reach their final destination in Lake Huron or Lake Michigan, beginning in April 2007.

Contact Info: Midwest Region Public Affairs, 612-713-5313,

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