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Watershed Stakeholders Inspired at Fox River Watershed Summit
Midwest Region, September 15, 2006
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Fox River Summit attendees hear about the legacy of
Fox River Summit attendees hear about the legacy of "the Fox" (aka Jim Phillips).

- FWS photo

Over 60 participants learned, networked, and were inspired in their watershed protection and restoration efforts at the recent Fox River Summit recently held by the Fox River Ecosystem Partnership in Elgin, Illinois.  

The Summit gathered like-minded partners who work in watershed conservation within the Fox River basin in Illinois under a grant from the Conservation 2000 program of the Illinois Department of Natural Resources.  

Jeff Mengler, Chicago Ecological Services Field Office was a member of the planning committee and provided leadership and technical support for the event. Several Fish and Wildlife Service supported projects were featured in the day's program.  

The program was designed to celebrate accomplishments of the 10-year partnership, unveil a Fox River Resource Center at the Gail Borden Public Library, and guide the work of the partnership and its members over the next 2-3 years.  

Contact Info: Midwest Region Public Affairs, 612-713-5313,

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