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Erie National Wildlife Refuge Updates Visitor Contact Station Exhibits
Northeast Region, August 17, 2006
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This past summer the exhibits in the visitor contact station at Erie National Wildlife Refuge in Pennsylvania were completely revamped.   Through the efforts of Eco-intern Cassandra Hamilton, and STEP (Student Temporary Experience Program) clerk Ryan Maloney, the new exhibits provide an interactive, informative, and fun experience for refuge visitors.   New interactive activities include: matching wildlife & their habitat requirements to one of the refuges in the National Wildlife Refuge System; matching wildlife & their life histories with particular habitat types at Erie Refuge; matching bird sounds with the correct animal; making animal tracks; matching photos of wildlife & wildlife signs; and answering questions about forest and wetland habitats from a mural.  A new display includes poster size maps of the two refuge divisions with enlarged photos of highlighted public use areas and special habitats.   A resource library for teachers and youth group leaders has also been added to complete the new facility.

Contact Info: Jennifer Lapis, (413) 253-8303,

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