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KENAI: RefugeDiscovers Another New Species
Alaska Region, August 14, 2006
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In 2005 Kenai National Wildlife Refuge Biological Technician Matthew Bowser discovered a harvestman (better known as a "daddy long-legs") species that was new to science.  In 2006 he has done it again!  Bowser has found a plant hopper species of the family Achilidae (genus Epiptera) that is also new to science, and a first for this family to be found in Alaska.  The new species was collected as part of the Refuge's Long Term Ecological Monitoring Program that monitors plants, birds, mammals, and arthropods within the 2 million acre Refuge.  In addition to the discovery of the new species, a scarab beetle (Aeigialia browni) and a book louse (Badonelia titei) were also identified as new species records for Alaska; the latter a new record for the Western Hemisphere.  Bowser is a graduate student at the University of Alaska - Fairbanks where he is working on a Master's Degree.  His thesis addresses monitoring and modeling arthropod populations on the Refuge.

Contact Info: Maeve Taylor , (907) 786-3391,

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