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Lake Sturgeon Assessment Plan for St. Mary's River
Midwest Region, February 23, 2006
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On February 23, Fishery Biologist Scott Koproski traveled to Sault St. Marie, Mich., to meet with partners, cooperators, and interview candidates for a Student Temporary Experience Program (STEP) position for the lake sturgeon work scheduled to take place on the St. Marys River during the 2006 field season.  Fishery biologist Koproski was awarded a grant from the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) to assess lake sturgeon in the St. Marys River.  The St. Marys River is the connecting waterway between Lake Superior and the Lower Great Lakes.  The project includes partnerships with Lake Superior State University, Bay Mills Indian Community, the Soo Area Sportsman, and eight volunteers all of which have donated their time and a vessel to this project.

Funding awarded from the NFWF will be used to capture and implant sonic telemetry tags in lake sturgeon utilizing the St. Marys River.  Anecdotal information indicates that lake sturgeon were commonly encountered in the St. Marys River.  However, very little is currently known about population size, available habitat, and spawning locations within this system.  By capturing and following these fish we may be able to provide more definitive answers for researchers and managers.  Without the help of the partners, volunteers, and the NFWF this project would not be possible.

Contact Info: Midwest Region Public Affairs, 612-713-5313,

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