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Information ExchangeTo Assist inConservation of the Chiricahua Leopard Frog
Southwest Region, February 9, 2006
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On February 8-9, 2006, the New Mexico Ecological Services Field Office participated in an amphibian/fish health disease symposium at the National Conservation Training Center with representatives from Federal and State Agencies, and academia.  The purpose of the symposium was to provide a forum to allow sharing of information that might be important to conserving declining amphibians.  The Chiricahua leopard frog, an endangered species, was one of the focal species. Topics included potential diseases frogs could contract, and possible solutions for treating the water, fish and frogs to prevent the spread of diseases.  Another purpose of the symposium was to meet with the fish health and hatchery divisions within the Fish and Wildlife Service and coordinate efforts and resources and determine their role in frog conservation.

Contact Info: Martin Valdez, 505-248-6599,

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